
All News

October 29, 2020

Berkeley Regional Services (BRS) will be observing the annual winter curtailment.

October 9, 2020

In anticipation of the upcoming semester and efforts for Spring hiring, this week, Berkeley Regional Services (BRS) regions have begun communicating details, important deadlines, actions to take and other reminders to their campus clients.

August 26, 2020

Berkeley’s CalTime Team has just added new labels to enable employees and managers to easily view the total year to date amount ofCOVID-19 related leave hours recorded in CalTime

August 24, 2020

Looking for an easy way to see a “snapshot” of the employees who report to you and see information like their job code, title, department (org node), pay chartstrings, etc.?

August 5, 2020

BRS Webpage

BRS Update on Zoom

July 28, 2020

July 20, 2020

Email message
We hope you are faring well this summer and have enjoyed the monthly newsletter from our HR teams. This message is mainly to let you know that SHARE is participating in the “Curtailment Fridays” you likely heard about last week: July 24, July 31, August 7 and August 14. 

June 17, 2020

BRS Webpage

BRS news article.

June 10, 2020

Email message

June 10th, 2020

May 20, 2020

Email message
We are writing to let you know that our teams will each take a well deserved extra day off this coming weekend, allowing them to have a planned mental health break. 
Human Resources - will be “closed” this Friday, May 22nd.
Research Administration - will be “closed” on Tuesday, May 26th.
Payroll, Purchasing & Reimbursements - will be “closed” on Tuesday, May 26th. 

May 19, 2020


BRS Newsarticle about fiscal close deadlines for 2019-20. 

May 6, 2020

Email message

May 6th, 2020

In an effort to keep you informed about all of the multiple projects and initiatives that occur over the summer, we are sending you this monthly newsletter to ensure you are kept abreast of upcoming deadlines, events and updates.

April 17, 2020

Email message

Dear SHARE Region,

Over the last few weeks due to COVID-19 events, there have been numerous communications about new federal legislation, UC policies, and state and local orders that have been enacted which impacts how UC Berkeley employees are able to perform their job duties and receive pay.  Until we learn more, I wanted to help offer some guidance around these recent communications: 

Email message


April 7, 2020

Email message to Key Contacts in the BEARS Region

Dear Colleagues in the BEARS region,

I am writing today with a summary of recent communications from both UCOP and Berkeley campus leadership, along with key messages and action items that you might find helpful.

April 3, 2020

Email message

Dear Campus Colleagues, 

The next semester is already on the horizon and I want to beginsharing details about the upcoming Summer/Fall 2020 ASE/GSR Hiring processes.  Certainly given the campus’ current shelter-in-place directive and remote instruction has added additional complexities.  Our SHAREHR team(s) are working diligently to finalize processes and our goal is to ask for your partnership in identifying these new hires as early as possible. 

March 27, 2020

Email message

March 27th, 2020

March 20, 2020

Email message
Dear SHARE, 

March 16, 2020

BRS News Article

Since the beginning of the year, and especially over the past several weeks, the campus has seen numerous emails and resources regarding guidance from public health authorities in an effort to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and how that translates to us at Berkeley with social distancing, impacts to class delivery, workforce impacts, etc. Protecting the health and safety of members of the campus community remains the top priority and the campus is committed to preserving the academic mission.

March 11, 2020

Email message
Campus Colleagues,
We’re reaching out to provide a preview of some upcoming changes to CalTime, the campus’ electronic timekeeping system, which we’re updating to include Readers and Tutors. We’re making this change because it will ensure we are aligned with best practices for timekeeping across the UC system and it will help facilitate on-time pay as CalTime sends reminder notifications to both employees and managers to remind their employees to complete timesheets and managers to approve.