SHARE Weekly News

March 5, 2021


We have a couple of important things to share on this lovely Friday afternoon. 

Research Administration: 
We are sad to say farewell to our RA Supervisor Moises Ochoa, who will be moving to the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, in the Office of the CFO as of March 12th. As a Principal Financial Analyst, he will be supporting the Biosciences and supervising two Senior Financial Analysts. We are so appreciative of all the hard work, mentorship and expertise Moises has shared with us in his time serving our campus and our region. We wish him all the best as he progresses in his career.

To enable a smooth transition, we are happy to announce that Hannah Holloway, RA Team Lead, has accepted our offer to become the interim RA Supervisor upon Moises's departure. Hannah brings years of experience as an RA Team Lead and recently passed her Certified Research Administration exam in December. We have every confidence that she will support the team well in her new role.

Human Resources:
Moon sent out an email that was jointly written with BRS HR announcing the details about Summer Session hiring for 2021. The contents of the message are available here

As of March 1, 2021, all non-construction/non-federally funded UC contracts and procurements between $100,000 to $250,000 that cannot be procured via an existing strategically-sourced agreement must be awarded to a Certified Small Business. For more detailed information, please see the February 26 Message on the SHARE homepage.

We hope you have a relaxing weekend and please let us know if you have any questions, comments or concerns.


Teal and Max

Email message