SHARE Research Administration

Research Administration in SHARE

Image of the seven steps in a grant life cycle and a link to the Berkeley Research webpage

Here is how SHARE supports the Berkeley Research Grant Life Cycle(link is external)(above):

  • Grant Proposal Support:  SHARE Research Administrators work with faculty investigators to develop their grant applications, establish proposal submission timelines, develop proposal budgets, and keep track of the different administrative requirements needed to get grant applications approved by campus to submit to prospective grant sponsors.
  • Grant Negotiation Support: after faculty investigators are notified about newly awarded grant funding, we support the investigators during the contract negotiation process to get the grant agreement established between the funding sponsor and the UC Berkeley campus.
  • Financial Reporting and Grant Closeout: After grant funding is established, we maintain fiscal oversight for the sponsored project funding and provide monthly financial reports on the balances across the grant-funded projects. We also assist with the financial closing of grants as they approach the expiration date of the funded projects.

Visit our Full Menu of SHARE Research Administration Services.

Proposal Submission Support

Proposal Request Form

Are you seeking a grant opportunity? Please fill out this form to best of your ability. Don't be scared off when you open it - the form is not as long as it first appears!

To get assigned an RA for the first time, we need the information in the form. 

Upon receipt of the form, we will assign an RA to review the proposal submission requirements, keep track of the different required components of the application, and assist you with the development of your project budget. 

Once you have an assigned RA, they will handle all your proposals, along with helping to manage all of your awards, all the way through close-out.

If you need help, please contact:

Reminder: please submit your proposal request form at least 10 business days before the sponsor's deadline using the link above. The minimum of 10 business days provides sufficient time to assemble, organize, and route your application for internal, department-level approvals and Sponsored Projects Office (SPO) review. More time may be needed if you plan to work with collaborating partners that are external to UC Berkeley.

SPO is required to review and submit all UC Berkeley research proposals, regardless of sponsor. The proposal must also have the approval of the hosting unit. 

If a Research Administrator has not contacted you within 48 hours of submitting the web form, please contact

Find Your RA

Find Your RA

If you have not already been assigned to a research administrator, please reach out to and provide some brief details about the upcoming funding opportunities that you're interested in pursuing.

Faculty interested in seeking grants are assigned an RA. Those who already have active grants can find out the assigned RA using either of the links below.

Here is information about Phoebe Search.

Search by Department and Affiliated Faculty

Phoebe Search by Individual Investigator

PI Portfolio

Checking Fund Balances

Research Administrators provide monthly financial summaries for faculty who have active grants supported under the SHARE administrative region. PI Portfolio is the reporting system used at UC Berkeley to review budget, spending, projections and balances on faculty-managed funds.

Log in to PI Portfolio

The "Portfolio" tab provides summary balances for all funding assigned to a faculty member's Chartfield 2.  To view available balances for a Lead PI, regardless of Chartfield 2, toggle "Show balance based on" to "Total Award - Actuals".

Please reach out to your assigned Research Administrator if you need assistance interpreting the financial reports.



Funding changes:

Funding Entries (the "E-702") need to be entered, fully approved, and received by UCPath at least 1 day before pay confirm date in order to have an impact on that pay cycle.  Due to uncertainty around these factors, we encourage departments to have funding entries fully approved 3 days before the pay confirm date to minimize the risk of a failed export to UCPath.

Direct Retro entries:

There are no official deadlines and there is no way to predict when the DRs are processed by UCPath, returned to UCB, and applied to the financial ledgers.  In the majority of cases, direct retros which are submitted and received by UCPath are staged to be processed in the next scheduled payroll cycle (either biweekly or monthly), but may take additional time before the adjustments are reflected on UCB's financial ledgers.

Provide Recognition

High Five Nomination Form - Each nomination will enter their name into our monthly High Five drawing, for a chance to win one of four $25 gift cards!

SHARE SPOT Awards - Please submit this form to nominate a SHARE employee for an FY25 SPOT Award. Thank you!