
All News

October 2, 2019

Email message

Dear SHARE Region,

September 30, 2019

Email message

Dear Campus Colleagues, 

The spring semester is rapidly approaching and I want to continue sharing details about the upcoming Spring 2020 ASE/GSR and Lecturer Hiring processes.  Our SHARE Region's HR teams are working diligently to finalize processes and our goal is to ask for your partnership in identifying these new hires as early as possible. We appreciate your patience as we continue to work through UCPath processes.  

Email message
Please be aware that starting Monday September 30th until further notice, there is a freeze on pay component changes for employees on the salary tables listed below, due to the processing of faculty range adjustments.

Dear Colleagues,

September 18, 2019

Cal Messages (sent to Staff in SHARE)
Berkeley Regional Services

Dear Staff served by SHARE, 

I am writing today to share the news about a location change for Berkeley’s new employee onboarding sessions conducted by the central Berkeley Regional Services (BRS) onboarding team that reports to Cynthia Davis. Currently, these onboarding sessions are offered each week at 457 Evans Hall. Because of the popular demand for these sessions, a new more convenient space has been secured. 

September 11, 2019

Email message

Dear SHARE Region,

We would like to provide you some helpful information that will help you prepare for any pay impacting issues around the middle of September.

As you know UCPath will experience system outages when the UC Davis campus goes live. During conversion the UCPath system will be down for all locations as noted below:

Second UCPath lockout (impacting employees paid on a bi-weekly basis):

  • Thursday September12th at 5pm thru Tuesday September 17th at 12AM.

September 5, 2019

Email message
Dear Chairs, Managers, and AP Analysts,
We are writing to provide you with the deadlines for your spring lecturer hiring requests.
October 18, 2019: Search reports are due to the Dean’s Office for all spring lecturer requests (if applicable)
November 1, 2019: Requests for appointments and reappointments for spring lecturers are due to the Dean’s Office
November 25, 2019: Deadline to enter spring hiring requests into the SHARE smartsheet for 1/1/20 appointments

September 4, 2019

VCA Webpage

Editor’s note: This CalMessage from the Director, Talent Management and Vice Chancellor, Administration was sent to all campus staff on 9/4/19. Managers and Supervisors were sent a similar message and those planning to hire new staff can visit the TAM page(link is external) of Berkeley’s UCPath website for details.

August 30, 2019

Email message
The fall semester is underway! Its great to see our energetic students return to campus and welcoming the ones that are new to campus! As the days are getting shorter, the lines for coffee are getting much longer! We hope your semester is off to a great start. 
Research Administration 

August 29, 2019

Cal Messages (sent to Faculty in SHARE)
White Berkeley logo on Founder's Rock Blue background
SHARE - Berkeley Regional Services

Dear SHARE Faculty,

August 22, 2019

Email message

Dear SHARE Region,

We would like to provide you some helpful information that will help you prepare for any pay impacting issues around the beginning of September.

As you know UCPath will experience system outages when the UC Davis campus goes live. During conversion the UCPath system will be down for all locations as noted below:

First UCPath lockout (impacting employees  paid on a monthly basis): Friday August 30th at 5:00pm thru Wednesday September 4 at 12am.  

August 20, 2019

Cal Message sent by VCA

Dear Colleagues,

As our sister campuses go live with UCPath, there will be a few short periods when the UCPath system will be unavailable for access. This means that the UCPath Online portal will be unavailable for viewing paychecks, leave accruals, tax information, and other self-service functions during these periods. Please plan to access UCPath Online before or after these periods.

UCPath System Unavailability

August 15, 2019

Email message

Dear SHARE Departments,

With our recent UCPath transition, we were given a grace period to accommodate manual overrides for paygroups for certain title codes. Specifically, Readers and Tutors in the UCPath system default to a biweekly paygroup (1BH). When SHARE completes a hire template, we have to request in the notes section that the UCPC person in Riverside who approves the hire template manually override them to a monthly hourly paygroup (1MH).

August 14, 2019

Cal Messages (campus-wide)
White Berkeley logo on Founder's Rock Blue background
Vice Chancellor, Administration

Dear Colleagues,

August 13, 2019

Email message

Dear SHARE Region,

August 8, 2019

August 7, 2019

BFS Listserv Message
BFS Community,
As the Controller's Office has communicated previously, the Payroll and Personnel System (PPS) is being retired because of the implementation of UCPath. The key deadlines to be aware of before the September PPS retirement are listed below. 
PPS "view-only" after September 26

August 2, 2019

Email message
Dear SHARE, 
UC Path processed range adjustments for select Academic non-senate titles effective 7/1/19. These range adjustments were reflected on the 8/1/19 paycheck. Unfortunately, some of the range adjustments did not work properly and resulted in over or underpayment. We heard from a few departments about this, so we are now auditing all SHARE 7/1 range adjustments that seemed too high or low and initiating corrective actions. 

August 1, 2019

Email message
Happy Thursday! There is a lot going on, so we wanted to bring a few things to your attention:
Fall 2019 Fee Remission Process:

July 24, 2019

BRS Webpage

The information is being shared across campus by various groups to ensure all stakeholders are aware of these upcoming dates. 

July 22, 2019


This CalMessage from Vice Chancellor for Administration and Vice Chancellor for Research was sent to Campus on July 19, 2019.