News from SHARE: Purchasing Matrix, new Paycheck Job Aids and HR Deadlines

November 4, 2019
We hope you are enjoying this glorious fall weather! Here are some news from our neck of the woods.
If you haven’t visited the awesome new Purchasing and Payment Matrix, we highly recommend you check it out and bookmark the link for the next time you wonder how to buy a particular thing. Wish we could take credit, but this was created by Supply Chain Management in partnership with the Controller’s Office. It is an excellent new resource. 
With the merit cycle now complete, you may receive questions about paychecks. Here is a job aid that specifically helps you to understand how the July 1 retro increases are showing up in the October paycheck, so that you can confirm the amount is correct. Note that the dates for Retro pay are listed as 7/1/19-7/31/19, but the pay does account for all 3 months (July through September).
Here is an additional job aid that explains in detail how to read a UCPath paycheck. These job aids are posted on the SHARE UCPath Resources page (accessible from the big green button at the top right of the SHARE HR page) in the section called “UCPATH GUIDES BY SHARE.” 
Human Resources:
Deadlines for Spring ASE/GSR/Lecturer hiring are fast approaching… we know you will have many last minute and late requests and we will do our best to process them as quickly as we can. Reminder: we have especially aggressive deadlines this year due to UCPath blackouts planned throughout December as other campuses go live on the new system. 
Thank you to everyone who complete the Survey about ServiceNow for HR. We received 180 responses from all over campus! After we have a chance to analyze the results and determine next steps, more information will be shared, including the summarized survey results.
Teal and Max
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