Berkeley Regional Services |
Dear Staff served by SHARE, I am writing today to share the news about a location change for Berkeley’s new employee onboarding sessions conducted by the central Berkeley Regional Services (BRS) onboarding team that reports to Cynthia Davis. Currently, these onboarding sessions are offered each week at 457 Evans Hall. Because of the popular demand for these sessions, a new more convenient space has been secured. Effective September 30, 2019, all onboarding sessions will now be conducted in room 1B (on the ground floor) in University Hall. The final session at Evans Hall will be on Wednesday, September 25; no sessions will be held on September 26-27 to accommodate the move. Typical Monday, Wednesday and Friday offerings will resume at 8:30/12:30/1:30/2:30/3:30 at the new UHall location beginning on September 30. Please ensure that all hiring managers and supervisors in your unit are aware of the new location so they may direct new hires accordingly. Thank you for your partnership. Warm Regards, Teal Sexton, Regional Director Please do not reply to this message |