March 12, 2021
Dear SHARE Region,
Due to the fact that we are starting summer sessions a couple of months earlier this year, we will be accelerating our timelines for placing ASE/GSRs on short work break for this summer.
Summer sessions has a 31-day bridging period to bridge appointments ending in May to the first day of their summer sessions appointment. This typically allows for employees in summer session A, B, C and 12W to bypass onboarding. However, summer sessions appointment letters for sessions D, E and F (who exceed the 31-day bridging period) need to be sent out to employees in order for them to complete their hiring process. To not bottleneck the hiring process for these employees and not make them unnecessarily onboard again, we need to extend and place all ASE/GSR appointments on short work break next week.
Historically we began summer sessions hiring in May and it aligned well with when we placed ASE/GSRs on short work break. This is why this has not been an issue in the past. Since we are the region with the highest volume of summer sessions, bottlenecking this process until May will delay a significant number of employees from getting their summer sessions appointment letters and their UCPath entry.
We do not anticipate this will change anything with regards to still requesting information from you in May about terminations. We can terminate employees while they are on short work break. Should you have any questions about this change, I ask that you contact me directly as this was a leadership decision to grant the least amount of disruption for our employees.
Please see our ASE/GSR and Student Assistant deadlines for spring through fall:
Thank you,
Ana Karla
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