Purchasing and Reimbursements

Purchasing Team

Email share_purchasing@berkeley.edu if you have any questions or to submit a change order.

Team Members 
Kathleen Tronnes, Supervisor
Kimberly Lopez, Financial Services Analyst 2
Patricia Franco, Purchasing Specialist
April Hamilton, Purchasing Specialist

Typical Processing Times

  • Catalog orders under $10K and non-catalog orders under $1K that are filled out correctly will be auto approved same day! Visit BearBuy training courses to learn how to submit orders correctly. We currently have a 2 month backlog of orders that require match exceptions because they are not entered with the correct form or they are not fully completed with all the required information. 
  • Other requests will typcially be processed within 10 days from when the Requisition is submitted to when the PO is created. This time includes RA and Org node approvals. 
  • Vouchers, including those that much be handled manually because there is no receipt, will be approved within 10 days and pay out after 30 days. Please note: Checks for approved vouchers are currently run ONLY on WEDNESDAYS due to the pandemic.