ASE/GSR Hiring
>Upcoming GSAO meeting hosted by Graduate Division will be on 5/19
> All Readers & Tutors will transition to Exempt Bi-weekly Hourly employees in Caltime effective 5/31. 1AC (salary) pay group will no longer be used as of 5/31. See full campus communication here.
>5/30/20 will be the last day that an hourly Reader or Tutor will be able to create a new timesheet online for the Spring semester. As of 5/31, they will no longer have access to create a new timesheet.They can can still log in and view their past timesheets, but they cannot create a new timesheet for any previous period. They can still submit a previously "saved" timesheet up to one month after their appointment expires, even if that means after 5/31 assuming the timesheet was created before then.
>New FLSA Determination Process by APO. Please pay close attention to the direction provided for GSRs in section II of the determination process, as these changes may impact your GSRs.
>New COVID-19 code added to Payroll Timekeeping Application for Readers & Tutors. See Reader & Tutor timesheets.
> SWB is now available without the requirement of a Fall appointment. If you do not respond about an employee's end date with a termination or reappointment, they will default to SWB with a 0% fte for the summer to allow departments to make decisions later into summer.
>Upcoming Deadlines are on our BRS website
>Important Position Management Update:
You may notice a position update on some BX appointments (GSIs, readers, and tutors). This is because on April 28, UCPC did a programming change to default the ERC on all BX job codes to "Stud Academic Title,HEERA." This ERC is required in order for dues to be deducted and sent to the UAW. Our campus had several (125 active records and 56 inactive records) with other ERCs (mostly "Stud Academic Title, NoHEERA) that prevented dues from being deducted and transferred to the UAW.
The Office of the President and the UAW reached a settlement in which the cost of the missing dues is being split between the UCPC and the campuses, so there's no action needed on your part (we're planning on using our UCPath budget to cover our campus portion of this settlement).
Going forward the ERC will default, but it is important UCPath transactors understand the importance of this field with regard to providing union dues. If the ERC is changed from the default causing a loss of union dues, as costs may be assessed by our campus in the future.