Sabbatical Form via Smartsheet

Sabbatical Process Timeline

Sabbatical Process Timeline

  • Submitter will be notified when the UCPath transaction has been approved by UCPath center.

  • Additional approver will also be notified when the UCPath transaction has been approved by UCPath center.

(NEW) Sabbatical Processing Timeline

Anytime entries
Timeline Example
Step 1 (Dept submits) At any time Submitted 10/15
Step 2 (HRIM initiates) First week of the following month Initiated in UCPath 11/04
Step 3 (HRP approves) Within 3 days of HRIM entry Reviewed/Approved 11/05
Step 4 (UCPC approves) Generally within one week of
HRP approval
Approved by UCPC 11/11
Steps 5&6 (HRIM audits
& updates smartsheet)
Within 1 week of UCPC approval Marked as complete in
smartsheet 11/15
Peak period entries (July/August & December/January)
Timeline Example
Step 1 (Dept submits) Entered in July/Aug or Dec/Jan Submitted 1/6
Step 2 (HRIM initiates) Processed on rolling basis;
prior to payroll deadline
Initiated in UCPath 1/10
Step 3 (HRP approves) Within 1 day of HRIM entry Reviewed/Approved 1/10
Step 4 (UCPC approves) Generally within one week of
HRP approval
Approved by UCPC 1/17
Steps 5&6 (HRIM audits
& updates smartsheet)
Within 1 business day of UCPC
Marked as complete in
smartsheet 1/18

Anytime Entries Timeline Visualized

Peak Period Entries Timeline Visualized

Roles, Responsibilities and Resources for Sabbaticals

Contact/Party Responsible


Dean’s office

Andrew Susskind

Randi Shussett

Kalford Mills

  • Approves UPAY 573 and returns to department


  • Submits approved sabbatical form


Sarah Jarquin or Max Yearian

  • Questions about how to submit a sabbatical smartsheet request
  • Concerns about whether a sabbatical is correctly reflected in UCPath
  • Contact them if a correction is needed for a sabbatical that has not yet been submitted to UCPath


  • Reviews, enters sabbatical into job data (if applicable) and approves sabbatical template

Department's Sabbatical Request Reports

If this is the first time you are accessing a report, please request access to view report.

Expand to see your department's Sabbatical Reports

Department Report Dept ORG
Chemistry CCHEM
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering CEEEG
Critical Theory CRTHE
Art History HARTH
Berkeley Language Center HBBLC
Philosophy HCPHI
Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies HDRAM
English HENGL
French HFREN
East Asian Languages & Cultures HGEAL
Arts & Humanities Dean's Office HHDNO
Italian Studies HITAL
Comp. Lit and French Admin HKCLF
Comparative Literature HLCOM
Near Eastern Studies HNNES
German Span & Port Admin HOGSP
Medieval Studies HPMED
Italian Scan and Slavic Admin HQISS
Rhetoric HRHET
Celtic Studies HSCAN
Ancient History & Mediterranean Archaeology HTAHN
Film and Media HUFLM
South & Southeast Asian Studies HVSSA
Buddhist Studies HWBUD
Consortium for Interdisciplinary Research HYHRT
German HZGER
Beatrice Bain Research Group JVBRG
Rhetoric and Film Studies Admin LORFS
Spanish & Portuguese LPSPP
Art Practice LQAPR
Townsend Center for the Humanities LRTOW
Classics LSCLA
Slavic Languages and Literatures LTSLL
Center for New Music & Audio Technologies LXNMA
Art Research Center NWARC
Dean's Office QALSD
Office of Undergraduate Dean's Office QBUDL
L&S Undergraduate Advising QCADV
Undergraduate & Interdisciplinary Studies QHUIS
Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Lab QIIAS
College Writing Programs QKCWP
Military Affairs Program QLROT
Office of Undergraduate Research QMRES
African American Studies SAAMS
Ethnic Studies SBETH
Demography SDDEM
Economics SECON
Geography SGEOG
History SHIST
Sociology SISOC
Linguistics SLING
Political Science SPOLS
Social Science Matrix SRIIS
Dean's Office SSSSD
Gender & Women's Studies SWOME
Psychology SYPSY
Anthropology SZANT