Summer/Fall 2025 ASE/GSR Hiring - Your new Smartsheets are available!

March 6, 2025
Dear Campus Colleagues, 

I am writing to provide information about the upcoming semester’s Summer/Fall 2025 ASE/GSR Hiring processes.  Most importantly, the BRS and HR Central Services Reporting Team has completed creating new Smartsheets for you to use, which are available beginning (today) Thursday, 3/06/25.Here is what’s new

Actions for you:

  1. Use the new AY25-26 ASE/GSR Smartsheets to add your new Summer/Fall ASE/GSRs.

    1. You can contact your regional HR Generalist if you have difficulties accessing your new Smartsheet. The Data Dictionary can help with terms and names on the Smartsheet. 

    2. Note: Continue to use the existing AY24-27 Lecturer Smartsheets.

  2. Refer to the following ASE/GSR Hires web pages. We continue to feature all important ASE/GSR and Lecturer hire details on the BRS website. 

      • *6/13/25: Deadline for departments need to enter/approve all Summer/Fall 2025 ASE/GSR Smartsheet entries for timely 8/30/25 pay and systems access.

      • 8/1/25: Deadline for ASE/GSRs to complete their DocuSign packets to receive timely 8/31/25 pay and systems access before the semester starts.

      • 8/20/24: Departments ensure no employees should begin working (8/21/25: first day of the semester) until they have completed onboarding to avoid damage payments

  1. SAVE THE DATE! Tuesday, April 15th 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM at 370 Dwinelle Hall is the SHARE Hybrid presentation for Fall 2025 Hiring . Add this event to your calendar to save the date!

*GSR hiring: 

  • Due to the GSR Union Contract requirement for appointment notification (when practicable, GSRs should be provided an appointment letter at least 30 days in advance), all GSR requests should be submitted a minimum of six (6) weeks prior to the GSR start dates.                         

Appointment Letter templates: 

ASE/GSR Appointment Letter templates (dated Jan 2025) have been updated. The new Smartsheets will contain the updates and be reflected in Appointment Letters generated by BRS. Departments/units that develop their Letters should download and use the updated versions available on the Forms & Letters page on the People & Culture website going forward

SHARE Deadlines for Summer & Fall 2025

Due Date

Action Required

4/9/2025 - 4/11/2025

SHARE will extend all ASE/GSR appointments through the summer and place them on short work break. ASE/GSR appointments do NOT require a confirmed Fall appointment to be placed on SWB for up to 4 mos from Spring to Fall.


HR Generalists will send out end date reports for student assistants and ASE/GSR appointments.


Notify the HR Generalist of non-returning ASE/GSR employees due to graduation or other reasons on the appointment end date.

Departments must inform their HR Generalist of any student assistant terminations or extensions.

Student Assistant Lead Time Required: 3 weeks

Departments hiring Student Assistants over the summer should submit their hiring request a minimum of three weeks before the Student Assistant’s start date. Student Assistants can be placed on SWB for up to 4 months.

7/11/2025 (Dept will issue appointment letter)

Departments must complete all Fall 2025 ASE Smartsheet entries and approvals for timely 9/1 pay and 8/1 access.


ASE must complete their DocuSigns to receive timely 9/1 pay and access before the semester starts.


*first day of semester

Departments ensure that no employees begin working until they have completed onboarding to avoid damage payments.


The last day for the onboarding grace period. GSIs onboarded after this date require Late Hire calculations to issue complete pay via Regular Flat Amount (RFA) pay.

Please keep open lines of communication with your HR Generalist when extenuating circumstances regarding ASE/GSR hires come up. We’re here to help support you. 

Let me know if you have any questions or need additional assistance.
