Summer/Fall 2024 Student Hiring - Your new Smartsheets are available!

June 20, 2024

Dear Campus Colleagues, 

I am writing again today to provide information about the upcoming semester’s Summer/Fall 2024 Student Hiring processes.  Most importantly, the BRS and HR Central Services Reporting Team has completed creating new Smartsheets for you to use, which are available beginning (today) 6/20/2024.

Here are more details: 

Actions for you:

  1. Begin using the new AY24-25 Student Hiring Smartsheets to add your new Student Hires.

    1. You can reach out to your regional HR Generalist if you are having difficulties accessing your new Smartsheet.

    2. You can refer to The ASE/GSR Data Dictionary as it was used to make updates to the Student Hiring Smartsheets.  

Please keep open lines of communication with your HR Team/HR Generalist when extenuating circumstances regarding Student Hires arise. We’re here to help support you. 

Let me know if you have any questions or need additional assistance.


Darryl San Pedro
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