We would like to share a great new HR resource for your new faculty, along with some important notes from our Purchasing team.
New Faculty Welcome Video from HR
Ana Sanchez created a SHARE Faculty Welcome Video from HR. This video will orient new faculty on how HR is organized at UCB and where to go for help with various titles. It is under five minutes and we hope this resource helps our new faculty get off to a good start! The video is under “helpful links” on our SHARE HR Faculty Hiring webpage. We have also added a link to page 5 of the SHARE Faculty Admin Handbook. As a reminder, please make a copy of the handbook if you would like to make edits before sharing this with the faculty in your department. This handbook is useful to new faculty but also to those of us who have been at Cal for a long time (e.g. Max).
Important Update for Petty Cash Custodians
Does your department use petty cash? Please note that your petty cash custodian needs to have a vendor profile created. They need to go through Supplier Registration in BFS to be properly set up as a petty cash custodian. Please do not fill out any EFT information. They need to receive a check when the petty cash is replenished. This is important to ensure that they do not run into tax issues, which could result if they were to use the direct entry system and receive the funds into a personal account. Petty cash should be kept separate.
About Independent Contractors
Independent contractors should be set up as a supplier in Bearbuy. Please see the controllers website for more information. In the event that a vendor cannot complete the supplier onboarding process or this will be a one-time payment to the vendor and they will have no more business with the UC, we will evaluate on a case-by-case basis if Blucard payment is appropriate. These will need to be low value, with no terms and conditions or contracts attached. The Independent Contractor will still need to provide all required information such as a conflict of interest form, certificate of insurance or waiver from risk and the Classification Worksheet for Federal Tax Purposes form.
Change Order Requests
Due to the recent BFS CCOA update, we can no longer make changes to existing POs that were created before the Business Unit was included. BFS will not accept/process changes to purchase orders or vouchers made before the CCOA migration. If any changes need to be made to POs initiated before 5/30, the PO will need to be closed and a new one created. You can do this by copying the old PO to a new cart, making the necessary changes, and then submitting it to Bearbuy.
We hope you have a very Happy Independence Day!
Warm Regards,
Teal and Max