SHAREing some news!

August 6, 2021


It has been a busy summer and we are now (mostly) back from vacation, with a few important updates!

Planned Vacation Day September 3rd (Reduced Services)

Our staff have been giving it their all during this busiest time of the year for us and will be planning a vacation day on Friday, September 3rd to extend their Labor Day into a four-day weekend. We will have reduced services on that day. 

SHARE Supervisor, Hannah Holloway, awarded ‘Future of the Field’ Recognition

The Society of Research Administrators (SRA) International’s ‘Future of the Field’ recognition program aims to shine light on up-and-comers innovating and influencing the Research Administration profession. Hannah Holloway, Contract & Grant Supervisor, SHARE Region, was selected by a committee of Research Administrator peers, after the program received well over 100 nominations from around the globe. Applications were evaluated based on candidates’ career history, demonstration of exceptional professional growth, and significant contributions made to the advancement of Research Administration. “The individuals recognized through Future of the Field are some of the best and brightest in our profession,” said Debra Schaller-Demers, President of SRA International. “These are the next generation trailblazers we know will drive Research Administration forward in the decades to come!” ‘Future of the Field’ selectees will be formally recognized at SRA International’s Annual Meeting this October in New Orleans. Congratulations, Hannah!

Updated Reimbursement Process for Students and Visitors

Kathleen and her team are now accepting reimbursement requests via email for Students and Visitors who are not able to use the Direct Entry system. Instructions are included on the SHARE Purchasing Website as shown in blue below:

If you are a Student or Visitor, or if you are a department admin without the travel preparer role in the reimbursement system and need to submit a travel reimbursement for students or visitors, please submit the reimbursement request via email to as follows: 


Receipts are required for airfare, rental car, conference fees, and any single expense of $75 or more.

Along with receipts, include in the email: 

  1. Traveler name & Department if you are emailing on behalf of someone else

  2. Business purpose for the trip

  3. Date and time the traveler left home or work location

  4. Date and time traveler returned to home or work location

  5. List of any purchases under $75 without a receipt

  6. Chartstring

  7. Total amount expected to be reimbursed


 Departments can email receipts to and include the following:

  1. Business justification

  2. Host name

  3. Type of event (Business meeting, employee morale, recruitment etc.)

  4. Attendee list

You will receive an email when our team starts to process your request and confirmation once the reimbursement has been submitted. You may receive a Docusign request to approve any reimbursement or changes, our team will notify you via email first. 

Along with the CSS form for Travel & Entertainment, the Amount Only form has also been removed from Bearbuy. You can now use the Service Order Form for all recurring service requests.

Supply Chain Management has updated the Conflict of Interest form and requirements. You can check the Procurement Forms website for current information. 

SHARE Payroll

If you or your employee can not access CalTime or another online timekeeping system, please visit the SHARE Payroll website for up-to-date Manual Timesheets and information.

ChaMPS Transition into ERSO and SHARE

ChaMPS is going to be winding down as a separate region. Approximately one third of the ChaMPS region serves the Division of Math & Physical Sciences, which is moving to the ERSO region. The rest of ChaMPS serves the Space Sciences Lab, the College of Chemistry and a couple of other very small ORUs, which will move their service delivery to SHARE. To accomplish this with minimal disruption or change for you all, we are also bringing in all the ChaMPS staff supporting these units.This presents an important growth opportunity for our region that will better enable us to serve all of you. As a larger region, we will have more resources, broader expertise and greater economies of scale in our business processes. 

We are still in the early stages of planning the transition, which will take place throughout this fall. We expect minimal impacts to you. Specifically, we are not planning to change your assigned HR Partner and HR Generalist nor do we plan to alter existing RA to PI relationships as a result of this expansion in our region. We only make those changes when necessary due to individuals leaving or by the request of the department being served. 

We will continue to keep everyone informed as we work through the transition plan. Once we have identified the staff that will come into SHARE, we will welcome them to our region and send out a new Organization Chart. We have a wonderful team and will be able to do even more with this growth. Please let us know if you have any questions, comments or concerns. 

Thank you for being a part of SHARE and have a nice weekend!


Teal and Max

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