SHARE Region STAR Award Program

February 4, 2020

Dear SHARE, 

The SHARE Region is pleased to announce this year’s Staff Appreciation and Recognition (STAR) Award Program for staff covered by Personnel Policies for Staff Members (PPSM) and for clerical staff covered by the CX bargaining unit.  The STAR Award program consists of both an Achievement Award ($2,000) and a Spot Award ($500).  

The SHARE Region STAR allocation provides $12,000 in funding to be used for individual Achievement and Spot awards combined. The SHARE Award Review Committee has an initial goal of two Achievement Awards for Spring FY20, to provide funding for sixteen Spot awards. At the committee’s discretion, based on the nominations, these award numbers may be adjusted to ensure we award all the funding appropriately. 

The information included here is intended to provide you with clear guidelines describing the award programs. The attached documents include detailed descriptions of the award criteria as well as the form to be used for nominating eligible staff.  The awards are described briefly below:

  • The Achievement Award ($2,000 per award) is designed to recognize significant and outstanding contribution(s) achieved over a period of three or more months, that have impacted the entire SHARE region (internal teams and/or SHARE units served). Only individuals may be nominated for a SHARE Achievement Award.
  • The Spot Award ($500 per award) is designed to recognize a significant and outstanding contribution(s) on a particular effort above and beyond position duties. Only individuals may be nominated for a SHARE SPOT Award.
  • The contribution(s) must represent work during the award period (July 2019 through March 2020).
  • Nomination forms should be directed to Darnell Tircuit: and must be received by 5pm on April 3, 2020 SHARE will be able to provide approximately two Achievement Awards and sixteen Spot Awards.

The SHARE Award Review Committee, which includes representatives from each team, will review the nominations and make recommendations to the Regional Director and Regional Associate Dean for final approval. Notifications to nominators regarding the results will be made by May 2020 and all nominations will be shared with staff even if they are not selected for the monetary award. It is nice to know of a nomination even if you are not a finalist! 

Any questions about the STAR award program may be directed to Darnell Tircuit:, Senior HR Partner.

Warm Regards,


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