SHARE Purchasing November 2023 Newsletter
Bearbuy Dashboards With the recent update to Bearbuy, some approval steps are encountering the following error: Correct these issues. You are unable to proceed until addressed. Values have been overridden for this line. Values have been overridden for this line: Requires CSS Processing (Line 1). To fix this issue, delete the account code on the chartstring and save. Then reenter the account code and save it again. The error message should now be resolved. If you do not have access to make these changes, return the cart to the shopper and request the cart be resubmitted. This will also fix the error. |
The Faculty Club Communication from Accounts Payable: Faculty Club will no longer monthly bill departments as agreed to with the university. Alternatively, we will settle via a campus procurement card. The Controller’s Office will ensure each department with a Faculty Club account has an individual assigned by their DFL with a campus procurement card for expenses going forward. We will reach out to each DFL to ensure there’s a card on file and an individual assigned for the department. The Faculty Club will keep the card # on file and will charge each expense at the time it is incurred. The Faculty Club will continue to send all invoices by department member, along with all underlying supporting documentation (i.e. chits, hotel folios, event invoices, etc.) to your office so that any additional documentation can be gathered (i.e. business and entertainment forms, etc.) and then uploaded into BFS as part of the regular procurement card reconciliation process. This change will ensure that expenses are recorded completely, accurately, and timely and will improve financial reporting to the departments through CalAnswers. If your department prefers not to use a p-card for their department account expenses, the alternate option is to have each individual using the department account pay for the expense themselves and then seek reimbursement through the reimbursement system. |
Alumni House Communication from Accounts Payable: For businesses who are located on campus, and for whom UC Berkeley regularly covers some of their bills and then gets repaid in turn (IE, utilities), we no longer allow them to operate on a 'loose receivables' model. For the Alumni House, use the Off Campus Events form to create a PO in advance. The form has not been updated with this information yet, please disregard the line in Bearbuy suggesting to use the payment request form unless you have an invoice already. |
Reduced Services SHARE will have reduced services during Thanksgiving week. Purchasing will be operating as normal with reduced services on November 22nd. Kathleen will be on leave following the Thanksgiving break. Please send all questions to during this time. |
Please review the Past Due Vouchers spreadsheet to help us resolve any vouchers that are 30 or more days past due. I have included the accounting date as well. There are a number of past-due invoices that were recently vouchered. I will continue to update and send this every month. Thank you to everyone who responds in Bearbuy or via email to clear these invoices. |
November 15, 2023
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