News from SHARE!

November 19, 2021


We wanted to quickly remind you about the three days leading up to Thanksgiving, November 22–24. We have offered our staff these days as optional, extended Thanksgiving break days. As a result, you may experience delays in service and response times. 

Human Resources:

If you have not already done so, please enter and approve your ASE/GSR and Lecturer hires on the smartsheet as soon as possible so that anyone that needs to complete onboarding is invited prior to Thanksgiving break.

Purchasing and Reimbursement Curtailment Deadlines

The deadline to submit low value orders for goods to be processed, shipped and received before curtailment is December 13. We will continue to process all other orders as they are received. SCM Procurement will be closed during the holidays (noon on December 17 - January 3). They will reopen on Tuesday, January 4. We are busier than ever at this time of the year and appreciate your help with these deadlines!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week!


Teal and Max

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