News from SHARE

May 16, 2019
Dear Departments and ORUs,

Can you believe this atmospheric river in May? Rain? In May? On a more serious note, here are this week’s news from SHARE. 

1) We had a nice set of sessions on ASE/GSR Position Management last week. The materials from these sessions have been posted on a new UCPath Resources page linked from the SHARE HR and SHARE RA webpages. 

2) We have made changes to the website to put our messages at the top on the right. Now that you hopefully know who we are, the "About Us" section has moved to the bottom left.  

3) We hired a new Contracts and Grants Supervisor! Moises Ochoa, who was previously a team lead in SHARE RA, has already started working in his new role. Congratulations to Moises on this exciting promotion! If you are interested in our ORG chart, you can find it here.  

4) Fiscal Year-End Close Deadlines have been posted. Please refer to these deadlines for HR and Purchasing.  

Happy end of Spring term and stay dry! 

Teal & Max

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