New Reader/Tutor Timekeeping App

June 11, 2019

(Posted June 11, 2019)

Berkeley Regional Services (BRS), in partnership with Information Services & Technology (IST) and Central Payroll,  just announced the creation of a new application which will allow Reader/Tutors to record their hours worked using an online app instead of completing a paper timesheet. This application will bring significant relief from manual data entry by BRS Payroll teams and increase the accuracy and availability of timesheets.

During the pay period, Reader/Tutors can create and make any changes to their timesheet (one per job) up until the due date for that period. They can also see, at a glance, a cumulative list of previous time records. The application only accepts edits for the current pay period, so Reader/Tutors should adhere to the payroll schedule to make sure they submit their hours on time in order to be paid. Due dates remain the same - and can be found here:

This new app works similarly to Berkeley’s standard timekeeping system, CalTime. The campus is currently working on the changes needed to transition Reader/Tutors to CalTime next Spring.

Here’s how it works

  • Starting June 30, 2019, Reader/Tutors will discontinue using a paper timesheet and instead, use this (link is external)to record the hours worked each day for each time period. For those who are paid monthly (MO), they’ll continue to project their hours for the last two weeks or so of every month; the same way they do today.

  • Once Reader/Tutors “submit” their time, their supervisor will receive an automatic email notifying them that the online time record is ready for their approval.

  • Supervisors may either “approve” or “unsubmit” a timesheet (for the Reader/Tutor to edit and resubmit). The Reader/Tutor must resubmit in order to be paid!

  • That’s it -- it’s that simple!


  • This Timekeeping App job aid (PDF file) has been developed to help Reader/Tutors and supervisors learn how to use the app along with some helpful hints.

  • BRS regional HR service delivery team(s) are also available to assist through the transition. Campus units/departments will hear more from their respective BRS region about this new process.

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