New Faculty Handbook

March 4, 2020


We have been hard at work putting together a resource for new (and frankly possibly existing) faculty. The purpose of this handbook is to provide an overview of the resources (people, technology, and services) that new faculty will most likely need as they acclimate to campus. This is primarily designed for departments, but ORUs may find this a useful resource as well. 

You can find it here. It contains a page which you can fill in with department specific information before handing it to the new faculty member. Frankly, it took me over a decade to figure out all of the information contained in this masterpiece. 

Please click "file" and then "make a copy" to save your own editable department-specific version. Many thanks are due to Arliss Nakken for helping us to put this together. 

Best wishes,

Max & Teal 

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