March News from SHARE

March 15, 2019
Dear ORUs and Department Managers:
Take a moment to look out of your window (if you have one), take a deep breath and marvel at this weather! Spring is here. A few news from us over here at SHARE.
1) The UCPath transition has begun. The central UCPath project team (not us!) only gave access to a few select SuperUsers in the month of March, so they are working weekends to try to get as many transactions completed in the system as they can. Expect delays and longer processing times for the next sixty days at least. We will update you on our progress again next week. 
2) The purchasing team has been providing reimbursement for services but this is NOT allowed any longer. It is against UC policy and we have been told these must stop now. The policy states that services require an advance Purchase Order. This means you cannot pay for services and ask to be reimbursed after the fact. There are requirements for setting up a Purchase Order for various kinds of goods & services here and you may contact Kathleen Tronnes if you need help. 
3. Drumroll!!! Entertainment direct entry is live. A campus-wide announcement will go out soon. All entertainment must now be submitted via direct entry. Faculty can do this for themselves directly. The system is really straightforward and easy to use. Also, time to reimbursement is significantly shorter. If you would like to prepare reimbursements for others, but do not have those administrative superpowers yet, here is a handout that describes how you can gain these superpowers
4. As a reminder, if you have faculty who want to be assigned an RA but do not have one yet, please email
5. Upcoming cheers & jeers cookie hours with Max and Teal:  March 22 from 2-3:30 in Durant 120 (note the change in location!)
If you would like both or one of us to stop by your department/ORU, please let us know and we will schedule a visit. 
Ses snart,
Teal and Max
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