Department End Date Reports

Actions Needed by Faculty

  1. If you are a faculty supervising a Graduate Student Researcher or Student Assistant, please complete instructions for submitting your end date report below.
  2. If you are faculty listed as a supervisor of a Graduate Student Instruction (GSI) / Teaching Assistant. Reader or Tutor, no action is required for that employee as your Graduate Student Affairs Officer (GSAO) or department will provide us information on reappointments.
Actions Needed by Departmental Staff
  1. If you have reappointed an employee or are okay with an appointment ending, then no action is needed. Otherwise, please see instructions for submitting your end date report below.

Department End Date Reports

Previously, SHARE HR staff would send out end date reports to Supervisors and Managers to remind them to take action and terminate or extend employee appointments.

Due to service changes in Fall 2020, departments are now responsible for submitting requests for updates to their employees’ end dates.

The end date reports would include the following:

  • Student assistants
  • ASE/GSRs
  • Visiting scholars
  • Visiting student researchers
  • Volunteers
  • Contingent workers

*HR Partners will continue to send out end date reports to managers and supervisors (lecturers are included in this).

End Date Updates Deadlines

End Date Report Send DateEnd Date Updates Due DateEnd Date Report for:
November 12thDecember 2ndDecember
December 7thJanuary 11thJanuary
January 4thFebruary 12thFebruary
February 4thMarch 12thMarch
March 4thApril 12thApril
April 5thMay 10thMay
May 4thJune 8thJune
June 4thJuly 9thJuly
July 6thAugust 10thAugust
August 5thSeptember 9thSeptember
September 7thOctober 8thOctober
October 4thNovember 11thNovember
November 4thDecember 2ndDecember